Cherchies Blog


Tex-Mex Avocado Toast Recipe

breakfast, appetizers, lunchSheri SpalloneComment
Tex-Mex Avocado Toast Recipe

Tex-Mex Avocado Toast Recipe

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Difficulty:  Easy

One serving.

Lately, trending on social media is a fascination with avocado toast. There is a reason why I have not posted a version of this mysterious concoction, mainly because it sounded awful. I love avocados, but I never thought of combining them with bread, eggs, salsa, or other crazy combinations in the cyber world. At least, that was until recently.

While browsing for salsa recipe ideas, I stumbled upon yet another mention of this trend, and my curiosity finally got the best of me. I decided to take charge and create this layered, green obsession with our products. I simply adorned a piece of toast with creamy avocado seasoned with Cherchies® Chardonnay Lime & Cilantro, fluffy scrambled eggs, and a dollop of Cherchies® Black Bean & Corn Salsa. And the best part? This recipe came together in a snap, proving that anyone can master the art of avocado toast.  

Wow! What a flavor explosion in your mouth! I cannot believe I waited so long to try avocado toast! If you're on the fence about it, let me assure you: it's not just delicious; it's addictive! (I might have it for breakfast or as a snack forever:). So, the next time you're looking to spice up your routine, grab some bread, avocados, eggs, and salsa, and whip up this healthy breakfast, lunch, or snack. It's quick, easy, and guaranteed to leave you wanting more!

Do you have a favorite avocado toast recipe? Share it with us, and we will post it on our blog! 

Thanks for stopping by:) Comment below if you have tried this flavorful recipe. Come back again for more family-tested recipesentertaining ideas, and cooking tips using all our favorite Cherchies® gourmet products.

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Cut an avocado in half and score one-half of the avocado with a knife.  Scoop out the avocado with a spoon and put it into a small bowl.  Add lime juice, Cherchies® Chardonnay Lime & Cilantro Seasoning, mix and set aside.  Tightly cover the other half of the avocado with plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator.

Toast the bread in a toaster.  While the bread is toasting, in a small bowl, beat two eggs.  Turn the skillet on low, and cook the eggs, stirring occasionally until the eggs are cooked through.

On a small plate, begin layering the toast with the avocado, scrambled eggs, salsa, and garnish with the chopped cilantro (optional).  

And voila!  Your healthy, tasty, treat awaits you!  Dig in!

Tex- Mex Avocado Toast Recipe

Tex- Mex Avocado Toast Recipe


Homemade Potatoes O'Brien Recipe

breakfast, side dishesSheri SpalloneComment
Homemade Potatoes O'Brien Recipe

Homemade Potatoes O'Brien Recipe

Cook Time: About 20 minutes  
Difficulty: Easy

Are you a leftover lover or hater? Personally, I love them; they are kind of my thing!  Leftovers are the perfect medium for recreating new culinary masterpieces (something I am well-known for in our household), and although it takes a bit of planning, the best part is you save money because you waste less. Who doesn't love saving money?

Potatoes O'Brien is a deliciously easy recipe to use extra peppers and our Cherchies Garlic Seasoning.  Traditionally this dish is made with potatoes, onions, and green and red peppers, but use what is available.  It's okay, I give you permission, cooking is about improvising, and since I had a plethora of green, yellow, and orange peppers leftover from a neighborhood potluck, I used them instead.  

Make a large batch of these potatoes and divide them!  Use one part for dinner as a side dish, and freeze the rest to later add to eggs for a casserole or quick breakfast burritos.  Either way you "dice" it, you will have a quick and easy tasty side dish in under 30 minutes that your family or guests will devour!

Thank you for stopping by:)


  • 1 Tablespoon (Tbsp.) olive oil, divided

  • 1 large onion, diced

  • 1 green pepper, seeded and diced

  • 1 red pepper, seeded and diced

  • 1 teaspoon (tsp) Cherchies Garlic Seasoning

  • 1/2 teaspoon (tsp) ground pepper

  • 6 gold potatoes (or your favorite potatoes), chopped into 1-inch chunks (feel free to leave the skins on)

  • 1 large clove of garlic, minced

  • Cherchies® Pretty Peppers, drained (optional)

Chop up onions, peppers, and set them aside.  Wash and chop the potatoes (no need to remove the skins).  Add the potatoes to a medium bowl of cold water until ready to use, otherwise, potatoes may turn grey, which may not go over well with semi-picky eaters;)  Trust me.

In a large skillet, cook the onions and peppers in 1 Tablespoon olive oil and Cherchies Garlic Seasoning until the onions are translucent.  Remove them from the skillet and set aside. 

In the same skillet, add remaining olive oil, potatoes, pepper and and garlic and cook on low until potatoes are soft, about 10 minutes.  Stir occasionally to prevent potatoes from sticking to the bottom of the pan.  After potatoes have cooked, add back in the pepper and onion mixture to the skillet.   (*Optional- for a twist to this dish, add the Pretty Peppers).  Cook for 5 minutes.  Serve this savory dish with our Savory Champagne Meatloaf Recipe and our Best Darn Garlic Bread Recipe for a complete meal. Enjoy!

Homemade Potatoes O'Brien Recipe

Homemade Potatoes O'Brien Recipe


Cajun Cornbread Recipe

breakfast, side dishes, gluten freeSheri SpalloneComment
Cajun Cornbread Recipe

Cajun Cornbread Recipe

Cook Time: 20-25 Minutes                             Difficulty:  Easy

No matter how you slice it, moist, flavorful sweet cornbread is undeniably one of the best and most versatile side dishes, because, it goes with just about anything, chili, soups, casseroles, Mexican, Southern or Cajun dishes, and so much more. With so many variations of cornbread out there, this spicier version may soon become your new favorite.

Our family goes nuts over this recipe, simply because it is awesome, but with a husband, two teenagers, and a young adult, this cornbread disappears as quickly as it comes out of the oven, so I usually need to make a double batch.  

This time, I wanted to create a Cajun version, so I snuck in our NEW Cajun Seasoning and our Pretty Hot Peppers, sweet green peppers with a little kick, a sure no-no for our middle child, Nicholas, who usually runs for the hills at the mention of peppers.  

So why would I even tamper with my family's precious cornbread recipe? That is what I do, I experiment and challenge my family's palate and watch their faces contort as I serve them something new (which is quite often). I find it quite humorous, but I am confident in most situations that my family will enjoy my creations.  When I was their age, I would never have been that accepting as a teenager, but our kiddos politely abide by the "One-Bite Rule" we have in our family.  They don't have to like what I make, but they have to at least try it!  Luckily, this recipe was a success. They liked the subtle spicier version almost as much as the original version, and it too was gobbled up. 

So, if you are looking to spice things up, this version of my family's favorite cornbread recipe is perfect for even the most discerning family members. It complements most dishes and will soon become your favorite cornbread as well.  Serve this cornbread with our Slow Cooker Peach BBQ Pork Recipe and our Best Darn Coleslaw Recipe for a complete meal.

Thank you for stopping by!

*Note-This recipe was adapted from Indian Head Brand Cornmeal.


  • 1 cup of yellow corn meal (we used Indian Head Stone Ground Yellow Cornmeal).  
  • 1 cup all purpose flour (to make it gluten free, substitute your favorite gluten free all-purpose flour)
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 3 teaspoons (tsp.) baking powder
  • 1-2 teaspoons (tsp) Cherchies® Cajun Seasoning
  • 1/2 cup oil
  • 2/3 cup milk
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1 jar of Cherchies® Pretty Hot Peppers, drained


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.  In a medium bowl, mix together the corn meal, flour, sugar, baking powder, and Cherchies Cajun Seasoning.  In a separate small bowl, beat the eggs and add the oil and milk.  Mix.

Add the egg mixture to the dry ingredients and add the Cherchies Pretty Hot Peppers.  Mix to combine.

 Pour the cornbread mixture into a greased 8x8 baking dish. and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown.


Cajun Cornbread Recipe

Cajun Cornbread Recipe


Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Recipe

breakfast, desserts, snacksSheri SpalloneComment
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Recipe

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Recipe

Imagine for a moment the sweet aroma of freshly baked banana bread wafting through the air. It sounds like heaven, right?  Is your mouth watering? One of my favorite treats growing up, was my mom's banana bread, by far the best banana bread ever and now a breakfast staple in our family. 

This moist and flavorful banana bread recipe was given to my mom many years ago by a little old lady in Hawaii.  My mom's (the little old lady's) original recipe, consisted of shortening and a lot of sugar, which probably is why it was so decadent, but not practical by today's standards.  I substituted butter for the shortening and Cherchies® Apple Butter Spread for some of the sugar, and because I was feeling adventurous, I added chocolate chips. The real question, could my version compete with mom's recipe?  Only our discerning and I quote, "master taster testers" (our kiddos) would soon reveal the truth.

Hot diggity dog! (Okay I am dating myself).  My version passed with flying colors!  Moist, flavorful, just like "Grammy's," music to my ears!  I usually triple this recipe because this decadent treat disappears almost instantaneously, and freezing extra loaves extends the disappearing act by a little.  

So friends, if you are looking for your new favorite banana bread recipe, it is time put your overripe bananas to good use and make this tasty recipe today!  You will not be disappointed:)

Thanks for visiting!


  • 1/2 cup butter, room temperature
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup Cherchies Apple Butter Spread
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon (tsp) baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
  • 2 cups flour
  • 5 Tablespoons (Tbsp) *sour milk 
  • 1 teaspoon (tsp) white vinegar
  • 4 ripe bananas, mashed
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans (optional)
  • 1 cup chocolate chips (optional)
  • 1 Tablespoon (Tbsp) flour


Preheat oven to 350.  

To make the *sour milk, add 5 Tablespoons of milk to a small bowl.  Add the white vinegar to the milk, stir and set aside.

In a medium bowl, cream the butter, sugar, and Cherchies Apple Butter Spread together.  Then add eggs, baking soda, salt, flour and measure out 5 Tablespoons of the sour milk.  Discard the remaining sour milk.

Mash the bananas with a fork and add to the batter.  In a small bowl, mix the chocolate chips with 1 Tablespoon of flour.  This helps prevent the chips from sinking to the bottom.  Gently fold the floured chocolate chips into the banana bread batter.

For two loaves, divide the batter evenly into two greased (with cooking spray) loaf pans, or into one greased loaf pan for one loaf.

Bake at 350 degrees for 1/2 hour or until done.   Enjoy!
