Apple Butter BBQ Smokies Recipe — Cherchies Blog

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Apple Butter BBQ Smokies Recipe

appetizersSheri SpalloneComment

Frankly speaking (pun intended), I love extra help in the kitchen (especially during the holidays or get-togethers), and these simple and easy cocktail wieners are a definite must for your next gathering. Place the ingredients in a slow cooker, turn the slow cooker on low, and walk away! In a couple of hours, your kitchen helper (slow cooker) has cooked these nuggets in time for guests to arrive, leaving more time for you to do what makes you happy. Amen!

Over the years, I have made several variations of this recipe, but the Apple Butter BBQ Smokies Recipe is one of my favorites! With a combination of three ingredients, salty wieners, sweet Cherchies® Apple Butter Spread, and tangy BBQ sauce, this simple appetizer will surely be a "wiener" (pun intended again) at your next gathering:) Plus, with your handy dandy kitchen helper cooking, you can do something for yourself!

Thank you for stopping by! Please visit again for more tasty recipes, helpful cooking tips, and entertaining ideas!



Place the cocktail weiners in the crockpot.  

*Note- Do not let the mysterious frozen blocks below puzzle you, I usually purchase cocktail wieners on sale, and place them in the freezer for future events.  


Next, add Cherchies® Apple Butter and BBQ sauce...

Turn on your slow cooker and walk away!  Now go, do something you enjoy for the next hour and a half, then return and voila!  Serve them with cute little picks and let the festivities begin!  Enjoy!

Apple Butter BBQ Smokies Recipe

Apple Butter BBQ Smokies Recipe


