Cherchies Blog

Spooky English Muffin Pizza Recipe

snacks, lunchSheri SpalloneComment
Spooky English Muffin Pizza Recipe

Spooky English Muffin Pizza Recipe

English muffin pizzas are not revolutionary, but I realized recently that I hadn't made them for my kiddos in years.  

I made these pizzas recently as an after school snack and the kiddos loved them!  Our children, like in most families, come home from school ravenous and often stare at an open refrigerator or pantry and roar, "Mom, there's nothing to eat"! My response, "guys, we have plenty of snacks".

...Crickets chirped.

I love it, my golden teach my kiddos something new!  My children (21, 14, and 12) have always loved to help in the kitchen, and today I decided it was time for them to cook their own snacks.

In honor of Halloween, I decided that today we would make goulish pizza snacks.  I had the English muffins split apart, the sauce, the cheese, and the condiments armed and ready for the hungry monsters to walk through the door.  Check!  They had fun, and I enjoyed the bonding.  Healthy snack created, and the roaring stopped.  Check!  Here's what they created...

Ingredients (for each muffin)

  • English Muffins, split apart into halves (I used kiddos didn't notice)
  • Tomato or Pizza Sauce (1 Tablespoon (Tbsp)
  • 1 teaspoon of Cherchies® Garlic Seasoning
  • A dash of pepper
  • Shredded Mozarella or Mexican Cheese Blend
  • Cooked sausage (optional)
  • Olives, sliced for eyes (optional)
  • Jarred Banana Peppers (optional)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Split apart English muffins with a fork.  Assemble the pizzas, starting with the sauce, the cheese, and then the toppings.  Sprinkle with Cherchies® Garlic Seasoning.

Bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes, or until the mini pizzas are melty;)

Here's what they look like without the crazy faces!  Enjoy!


What To Do with Hot Banana Peppers

Sheri Spallone3 Comments
Hot Banana Peppers

Hot Banana Peppers

I was a picky eater as a kid, and never would have touched banana peppers. Silly me!  It's funny how tastes change, now I snack on them;) So what are they and how the heck are they used? Find out more below.

What is a Banana Pepper? The Banana pepper, (also known as a yellow wax pepper) is a member of the chili family, is usually anywhere from 2-4 inches in size, is mostly yellow-green but can be orange or red when fully ripened (where it is sweetest), and has a mild to medium tangy taste.  

The Banana Pepper gets it's name from the fruit it resembles, the banana.  

How do you use it?  Banana peppers can be pickled or fresh, where they are often used in sandwiches, salsas, salads, pizzas, and antipasta appetizers, or cooked in soups, stuffed with a variety of fillings, and yes...wait for it...added to mustards!! Whaaat?

That's right folks, we have combined our sweet mustard with banana hot peppers.  Our Banana Hot Pepper Mustard was the Gold Medal Winner of the World Wide Mustard Competition held at the Napa Valley Wine Festival.

This zesty mustard is made with Yellow Hot Banana Peppers (there are no "bananas"  in this mustard as we often get asked...just peppers and mustard). It's perfect as a spread on sandwiches, hot dogs, grilled sausages, and sushi,  in potato salads, as a dipping sauce,  and in most recipes where mustard is required. Once you try it you'll see why judges named it tops in its class. It has a little heat, but it's not overwhelming.  

Cherchies® Hot Banana Pepper Mustard

Cherchies® Hot Banana Pepper Mustard

Check us out to see more mustard recipes, including those with our Hot Banana Pepper Mustard.

Thanks for visiting!


Champagne Party Weiner Mummy Recipe

entrees, lunchSheri SpalloneComment

Champagne Party Weiner Mummy Recipe

Cook Time: 10 minutes
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

Originally posted in 2015, but updated with new content and pictures. 

When our children were younger, if it were up to them, they would have eaten hotdogs daily. 

Our children always liked pigs in a blanket for special occasions (mini weiners wrapped in crescent rolls), but for Halloween, it was always fun to "mummify" the hotdogs with crescent rolls and dot the eyes with mustard. 

Our Champagne Mustard not only dots the eyes on the mummies but is the preferred dipping sauce for these cuties. For those with a spicier palate, our Hot Banana Pepper Mustard is more your speed.

For this update, we added ketchup to a bowl and yellow mustard that we swirled. To make the web, use a toothpick and drag it from the middle to the sides.

This recipe makes for an excellent family bonding time, as it gets the kiddos (young and old) away from the TV or screens and allows them to help in the kitchen and play with their food. (What child or adult doesn't like to play with their food?).

If you're looking for a spooky treat to serve for your next Halloween gathering, consider making these ghoulish hot dog mummies with Cherchies® mustards. It's a great family activity, and the mustards put these hotdogs over the top!

Here's how we did it! Comment below and let us know how they turned out!

Happy Halloween!



Split each weiner lengthwise.  Put a dab of Champagne Mustard and a strip of cheese into each weiner. Divide each biscuit into quarters and roll each quarter between the palms of your hands to make long strips.

Spiral wrap each strip around the weiner.  Place on a cookie sheet, baste with butter and sprinkle with poppy seeds.  Bake for 10 minutes in a 450-degree oven.

Champagne Party Weiner Mummy Recipe

Champagne Party Weiner Mummy Recipe- Pictures from our children’s creations years ago


Savory Cheese Spread Recipe

appetizers, snacksSheri SpalloneComment
Savory Cheese Spread Recipe

Savory Cheese Spread Recipe

Ahhh, cheese.  Who doesn't love cheese?  This cheese spread is a delightful combination of savory and sweet.

For a different twist, heat the cheese spread into a hot dip. Serve with crackers.  A perfect quick appetizer.


Combine all ingredients, mixing well.  Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour to to allow flavors to intensify.  Serve with crackers.

This is also great heated in the microwave and served as a hot cheesy dip.
