Cherchies Blog

Herbed Corn on the Cob Recipe

side dishes, gluten freeSheri SpalloneComment
Cilantro Lime Corn on the Cob Recipe

Cilantro Lime Corn on the Cob Recipe

Corn on the cob, a quintessential must for summer!  For this recipe, we've spiced things up and decided to try our Chardonnay Lime & Cilantro Seasoning on corn.  Oh my goodness!  As if corn on the cob, slathered with butter, could get any better!  It will definitely be a party in your mouth.  



Fill a large pot with water.  Turn stove on high.  Place pot on the stove and when water comes to a boil, place corn in the water.  Cook the corn for about three minutes, or until corn is done to your likeness. 

While corn is cooking, melt butter and  Cherchies® Chardonnay Lime & Cilantro Seasoning in a microwave.  Try our other seasoning blends to "spice things up".

Drain corn and pour butter mixture over corn.  Enjoy!



Cooking Tip: How to Prevent Potatoes from Oxidizing (Turning Brown)

cooking tipsSheri SpalloneComment
Cooking Tip! How to prevent potatoes from turning brown

Cooking Tip! How to prevent potatoes from turning brown

Luckily my family was very supportive one Christmas when I served them "au grey potatoes" (That's au gratin potatoes that had turned grey...I was mortified!)  I had to really push my kids for the "one bite rule", but luckily, the potatoes tasted yummy, and their noses unwrinkled.

I have learned a lot of cooking lessons along the way, usually the hard way, so I thought I'd pass this onto you.  I love when a recipe indicates you can "make the dish ahead".  I made this dish ahead since I was planning for a Christmas crowd, but I wanted to cook the potatoes day of.  The recipe left out one crucial soak the potatoes!

My dear folks, the lesson here is if you don't plan to cook your potatoes right away, soak the potatoes in cold water until ready to cook.  The result, beautiful white potatoes...not shades of grey;)




Blackberry Salmon Salad Recipe

salads, leftovers, glaze marinade & sauceSheri SpalloneComment
Blackberry Salmon Salad Recipe

Blackberry Salmon Salad Recipe

Blackberry Champagne Salmon, round two!

I love leftovers and extending meals throughout the week. Everyone likes to save money, and using leftovers in a new way makes "cents." :)

Our children, on the other hand, are not a fan of leftovers. Maybe it is the word "leftover" that turns them off. It's funny to watch as they stare at the open refrigerator pondering whether new food will magically appear, until I mention, "Hey, there's leftover salmon in the frig." They wrinkle their noses. Little do they know that many of our weekly meals are reconstituted leftovers in some form;)

When I saw the leftover Blackberry Champagne Salmon from the night before, I immediately thought of this lovely light salad with mixed greens, crisp cucumbers, sweet strawberries and blackberries, and fresh tomatoes, all adorned with a tangy Blackberry Poppyseed Dressing, just perfect for Mom. (Our children and my husband are not fans of salads either, but don't worry, they found something else to eat:) Leftovers, check!

If you are looking for a tasty meal for double duty the next day, consider making this delicious Blackberry Champagne Salmon (featuring Cherchies® Champagne Mustard, Cherchies® Blackberry Preserves, and Cherchies® Garlic Seasoning Blend) on day one, then use the leftovers in this flavorful salad the next day. You will not be disappointed.

Comment below if you have made this recipe. Thank you for visiting! Come back again for more family-tested recipesentertaining ideas, and cooking tips using all our favorite Cherchies® gourmet products.




In a large bowl, combine salad ingredients. Mix all ingredients for the vinaigrette in a small bowl (this recipe makes about a cup of vinaigrette, so you'll have more for later). Right before serving, add salmon and drizzle a couple of Tablespoons of vinaigrette (according to preference) over the salad. Enjoy!


Blackberry Poppyseed Vinaigrette Recipe

glaze marinade & sauce, saladsSheri SpalloneComment
Blackberry Poppyseed Vinaigrette Recipe

Blackberry Poppyseed Vinaigrette Recipe

This vinaigrette is light and refreshing, and the combination of blackberries and lemon makes this the perfect summer salad dressing.



In a large bowl, zest lemon.  Slice lemon in half and squeeze juice into the bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and whisk together, until well blended.

Serve with your favorite salad.

