Cherchies Blog


Sherried Tomato Recipe

side dishes, snacksSheri SpalloneComment

Sherried Tomato Recipe

Cook Time:  8-10 minutes

Difficulty:  Easy

As I mentioned in the latter part of the summer, this year's garden was exceptional!  I had a plethora of tomatoes!    

I think I'm on round three but sadly, this will be the last of the tomatoes for the season, as we live in Pennsylvania and the leaves have started to turn.

I came across this mouth-watering recipe from my mother-in-law and had to post it.  Our Lemon Dill Seasoning or our New Basil Pizzazz elevates this recipe to a new level!

This quick and easy tomato recipe takes advantage of summer's bounty and is a fantastic side dish or snack.  In fact, this recipe would make a tasty appetizer!

Ingredients (For each tomato half)

Remove stem from the tomato and cut in half (Tip: slice a little off the bottom of the tomato, so it lays flat when cooking). Place cut-side up on a cookie sheet.  Pierce tomato with a fork and sprinkle with sherry and pepper.

Broil tomatoes for 2 to 3 minutes.

In a small bowl combine Cherchies Lem 'n Dill Seasoning, (or Basil Pizzazz) mayonnaise, and feta cheese.  Spoon dill mixture over tomato halves.

Broil tomatoes an additional 2 to 3 minutes or until slightly browned.  Serve hot.  Serves 1 (I doubled this recipe for the pictures).  

Now you know yet another way to use up your tomatoes from your garden.




Sausage Bites with Cranberry Mustard Recipe

appetizers, snacks, grillingSheri SpalloneComment
Sausage Bites with Cranberry Mustard Recipe

Sausage Bites with Cranberry Mustard Recipe

Cook Time: 15-20 minutes  

Difficulty: Easy

Need a quick appetizer?  I've got just the thing, sausage bites with our award-winning cranberry mustard!  

Perhaps you like mustard with a sweet kick, then our signature Cherchies® Champagne Mustard is just for you!  It's sweet and spicy.


Grill or bake your favorite sausage, slice it into bite size pieces, pop open a jar of Cherchies® Cranberry Mustard, and voila, an instant appetizer!

Come to think of it, call your friends, serve these sausage bites with our Cream Cheese Appetizer, and our Sweet and Savory Brie Recipe, and you have yourself an appetizer party!  


Apple Butter Oatmeal Recipe

breakfast, snacksSheri Spallone1 Comment

Apple Butter Oatmeal Recipe

Cook Time: 5 minutes (approx. 2 minutes in microwave)

Difficulty:  Easy

Sometimes the simplest ideas are right under your nose. Take for example oatmeal. Yes, a somewhat simplistic topic, but there's so much you can do with oatmeal (breakfast, healthy snacks, bread crumbs (yep), crisps, cookies...oh my, and it's so good for you!).

I'm always looking for fresh and easy recipes to share with you but had writer's block this I was eating my oatmeal. Duh! 

I love to add new flavors to my morning oatmeal, and as I looked into my kitchen pantry, it dawned on me...of butter, a specialty gourmet condiment I had all along!

Why hadn't I thought of this before?  I added about 1-2 Tablespoons of our Cherchies® Apple Butter Spread (I'm very picky about my apple butter), plus cinnamon, as well as a surprise at the end.  The end result, delicious and satisfying!



Combine the oats, water, apple butter spread, and the cinnamon.  Add water.  Stir together.

Heat oatmeal in the microwave for 1- 1 /2 min, or until desired consistency.  Now for the surprise...add a handful of dark chocolate chips, just because...Stir and enjoy!


Lemon Dill Dip Recipe

appetizers, gluten free, snacksSheri Spallone1 Comment

This is one of my favorite dip recipes!  It's light, it's refreshing, and our Cherchies® lemon dill spice makes this dip irresistibly good.  Cherchies® Lem 'n Dill Seasoning is our original and still most popular seasoning (Did I mention it comes in two sizes?).  Obviously it is fabulous in a dip, but It's also great on chicken, fish, eggs, and vegetables. 

Combining equal parts of mayonnaise and sour cream enhances the flavors of the spices in this dip, and I would definitely NOT leave out the mayonnaise.  (Actually, you could substitute the sour cream with greek yogurt and use light mayo for a lighter version).  I would recommend making this dip a day ahead, as the flavors tend to intensify over time!  We also have a no-salt lemon dill seasoning!  Try our other seasoning blends in lieu of the Lem 'n Dill for an array of tasty dips.



Combine all the ingredients in a medium bowl.  Chill dip for at least two hours (can be made a day ahead).  

For a fun twist on veggies and dip, try arranging the veggies in shot glasses with the dip at the bottom. Vloia...instant cute individual appetizers!  I made these cuties for my parent's recent surprise 50th Anniversary party. They were a huge hit! 

Maybe your kids would even eat their veggies presented this way;)  (Mine did!) 

For a Halloween flair, cut up orange peppers to look like Jack o Lanterns, cutting a wide mouth to allow the dip to ooze out.  Spooky!  Enjoy!

Lemon Dill Dip Recipe

Lemon Dill Dip Recipe
