Cherchies Blog


Herbed Tomato Soup Recipe

Herbed Tomato Soup Recipe

Herbed Tomato Soup Recipe

Delicious on a cold winters day or night - refreshing on a summer's evening when made with your tomatoes straight out of the garden!


  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter

  • 2 TBSP. olive oil

  • 1 large sweet onion, thinly sliced

  • 1 TBSP. Cherchies® Lem'n Dill Seasoning or Cherchies® Basil Pizzazz Seasoning (if use Lem 'n Dill, use 1 Tsp. fresh basil, or 1/2 teaspoon dried)

  • 6 large tomatoes, peeled and chopped, or 1 (28 oz.) can a 1 (16 oz.) can tomatoes, drained and chopped.

  • 3 TBSP. tomato paste

  • 3 3/4 cups chicken stock

  • 1/4 cup all purpose flour

  • Salt

  • Freshly ground black pepper

  • 1/2 - 1 Tsp. sugar

  • Freshly grated Parmesan cheese

  • Croutons (optional garnish)


In a 5 quart saucepan, melt butter with oil over medium heat. Add onion, Lem'n Dill Seasoning (Basil Pizzazz) and basil (do not use basil if using Basil Pizzazz). Cook, stirring occasionally, until tender and very lightly browned.

Add tomatoes and tomato paste to onion mixture. Simmer uncovered for 10 minutes.

Combine 1/2 cup chicken stock with flour in a small bowl and whisk until smooth. Add to tomato mixture. Blend in remaining stock and simmer 30 minutes.

Transfer soup (in batches) to food processor fitted with a steel blade and puree. Return to saucepan and season to taste with salt, pepper and sugar.

Serve hot. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese and croutons on top.

Makes 6-8 servings

Cooking Tip: This soup freezes very well



Easy 'n Elegant Stromboli Recipe

appetizers, lunchCherchiesComment

This sophisticated version of stromboli includes gourmet mustard, asparagus, and swiss cheese. Make it as an appetizer or a meal.



Preheat oven to 375°.

Roll pizza dough on a lightly floured surface to form a large rectangle. Place dough on ungreased cookie sheet. Spread Cherchies® Champagne Mustard evenly over center of dough, leaving edges uncovered. Spread ham, asparagus & Swiss cheese in center area of dough leaving 2" on all sides of dough for folding edges over.

Spread Cherchies® Pretty Peppers evenly over cheese. Fold edges of dough over to cover filling. Pinch dough together to close seams. Brush surface of dough with water to finish.

Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden brown.

Serves 4 as a meal, 6 - 8 as an appetizer.


Honey & Whiskey Champagne Talapia Recipe

lunch, entreesCherchiesComment

Honey & Whiskey Champagne Talapia Recipe



Make a sauce mixing the honey, whiskey and Cherchies® Champagne Mustard together. Stir until blended.

Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat. Do not overheat the skillet. Pour the honey mixture into the skillet and place the tilapia fillets onto the mixture. Saute a couple of minutes on each side without overcooking.

Allow the honey mixture to slightly deglaze (thicken). Plate the fillet and drizzle remaining thickened sauce over the fillet.

Serves 2 - 3.

